Environmental Policy

Environmental & Responsible Travel Policy – The Cruise Line (‘TCL’)



  • This policy summarises how we place conservation and sustainability at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to reducing the negative and increasing the positive impact of our operations on the environment, in the UK and globally. We recognise the importance of sustainable development for all people living in poverty, without discrimination, and the long-term benefits of becoming a more sustainable organisation. TCL takes responsibility for and is committed to managing the labour and environmental standards in its operations and supply chains.
  • Our Environmental and Responsible Travel Policy is distributed to each new TCL employee and supplier and emphasises our commitment not only to reduce material waste and emissions, but also to the positive promotion of local goods, services and staff at our own offices, and for all our work in the UK and overseas.
  • TCL’s Founder and Managing Director has signed and dated this policy, which will be reviewed annually.


  • As a responsible buyer, TCL tiers its support and incentives to its suppliers to do no harm and continuously improve the ethical and environmental impacts of their particular business and supply chain operations based on levels of risk.
  • We acknowledge the impact that our purchasing practices can have on workers, and commit to the standards below to support our suppliers to overcome the challenges that business-as-usual poses to the human rights of people working in TCL’s operations and supply chain by:
      • Complying with both the letter and the spirit of the law, of the countries in which they operate and with which TCL deals and in all contractual obligations incurred by or on behalf of TCL.
      • Recognising the contribution that stable business relationships can make to labour and environmental standards, and endeavour to establish long-term relationships with its suppliers and partners
      • Recognising that our suppliers may not be able to achieve all the labour and environmental standards immediately and work with suppliers towards conformance within a reasonable timeframe.
      • Continuously working to improve TCL’s Labour and Environmental policies and practices. Seeking suppliers’ views on these standards and ability to implement them. Providing proportionate material and practical support to suppliers to enable them to meet their commitments and to make improvements within reasonable and agreed time frames.
      • Ensuring that, in the event that a purchase arrangement or relationship must be terminated, not doing so without due regard to all material circumstances. We will however terminate supplier relationships where serious breaches of TCL’s labour and environmental standards persist after reasonable attempts have been made to work with the supplier to implement improvements, and where there is no reasonable prospect of securing improvements. Such terminations will be carried out in a responsible way.
      • Communicating clearly, promptly and accurately on all issues concerning orders. Ensuring that our requirements are adequately defined and specified in sufficient time to allow the suppliers to react to our requirements.
      • Aiming to pay a price that enables our suppliers to provide decent wages and working conditions for their workforce and never knowingly negotiating a price that is below the cost of production. Also, negotiating lead-times that take account of labour standards impacts and do not trigger excessive working hours or subcontracting. If changes to orders are unavoidable, amending target delivery times accordingly
      • Acting impartially and objectively in all their purchasing activities and to keep written records where appropriate to demonstrate that their actions have been fair and above reproach.


  • TCL asks suppliers to disclose any involvement in the following activities or industries and advises that we may seek alternative suppliers if we believe these activities may undermine our mission:
      • Active lobbying to undermine public policies to tackle climate change or push for the continued expansion of fossil fuel use.
      • Arms manufacture; the sale or export of arms or strategic services to governments which systematically violate the human rights of their citizens, or where there is internal armed conflict or major tensions, or where the sale of arms may jeopardise regional peace and security.
      • Pesticide sales outside the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) guidelines for pesticide retailing.
      • Extractive industries.
      • Knowingly become involved in, collude with, or purchase timber from illegal logging operations.
      • Any other activities which violate the basic rights of TCL’s intended beneficiaries.
      • Public or formal party-political involvement or activity that compromises TCL’s independence.
      • Commercial activities in illegally occupied territories run by settlers, occupying state or military.


  • TCL is committed to reduce its reliance on finite/scarce resources and to minimise the environmental impact of its operations including its supply chain. We will therefore work to achieve the standards listed in this section.
  • Our requirement of Cruise Line partners: while cruise ships comprise far less than 1 percent of the global maritime community, cruise lines are at the forefront in developing responsible environmental practices and innovative technologies that lead in environmental stewardship. TCL declines to work with Cruise Lines that do not satisfy our ecological and health criteria:
      • In our own work: this is a policy close to our hearts and exemplified by our use of low energy light bulbs, for example, right through to full paper recycling and power policies at our UK office. We run a paperless office where possible, utilising email and telephone communications and virtual meetings wherever these may be appropriate. We also encourage our employees and suppliers to make the changes necessary to reduce the effects our work and projects can have on the environment
      • Climate change: monitor and actively seek to reduce the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions associated with its operations; set absolute and timebound GHG reduction targets for all of their operations located in industrialised countries or ‘Economies in Transition’, such as those identified in Annex I of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
      • Waste: follow the Waste Hierarchy; favouring waste minimisation first, then reuse, and then recycling and so reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill or incineration; monitor operations, including procurement, to ensure waste minimisation and seek high product and process efficiency; effective controls of waste in respect of ground, air, and water pollution are adopted; simple waste reduction by purchasing locally produced fresh food and drink, rather than carrying our own supplies of packaged goods then disposing of the waste leftovers. Cruise lines must carefully follow waste management and recycling practices as a result of which cruise ships recycle 60 percent more waste per person than the average householder ashore.
      • Materials: the use of recycled and readily recyclable materials is strongly encouraged; avoid, where practicable, the reliance on materials that are heavily dependent on finite resources.
      • Packaging: actively educate to remove undue and unnecessary packaging wherever practicable and use recycled and readily recyclable materials wherever appropriate; plastic packaging use should be minimised where it is clearly excessive (subject to food product preservation), with a preference for the use of recycled and readily recyclable plastics.
      • Wood and forest products: ensure all forest products purchased are as a minimum legal in origin and provide evidence of due diligence to ensure this if requested by TCL; suppliers of paper products sourced from TCL UK offices and New Products for resale carrying the TCL Brand, must source forest products from recycled sources or well managed forests which have been certified to a credible standard. Exceptions will be made for products which are Fairtrade marked or produced by members of the World Fair Trade Organisation as appropriate. TCL views the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) to be the most credible certification for the sustainable sourcing of wood and forest products; suppliers must never knowingly become involved in, collude with, or purchase timber from illegal logging operations.
      • Energy: work to reduce energy consumption and, where practicable, use energy from renewable resources. Cruise lines must place a high priority on energy efficiency; innovative investments include energy-efficient engines and hull coatings that fuel consumption, LED lights that use 80% less fuel, recycling hot water to heat passenger cabins and use special evaporators to distil the water used to cool engines into fresh water for air conditioning systems.
      • Transport and travel: reduce staff travel wherever practicable and actively seek to avoid flying; monitor and reduce transport logistics to ensure efficient distribution and delivery of products and services. Air: cruise lines must work with scientists and engineers to develop cutting edge, sustainable environmental innovations and practices.
      • Conservation of biodiversity: seek to minimise the impact of its operations on fauna, flora and land to ensure the conservation of biodiversity and habitats.
      • Water: develop a better understanding of its impact on water use and develop management processes where appropriate. The most basic of these is the use of water, and a good example of economising our water use is towel re-use. Simply using the same towel for 2 days (in a hotel with 100 rooms or a cruiseship with 500 cabins) could have a significant impact on the amount of water and detergents used cleaning and washing.
      • By simply removing our shoes and following local social etiquettes we increase the positive experience for not just the traveller, but the local inhabitants too. We increase our safety and remove the risk of causing offence or anxiety to local people by wearing face masks when it is deemed socially responsible and mitigates risk of transmitting Covid-19. TCL strongly encourages its clients to make themselves aware of local sensitivities, customs and where necessary the political climate of their host nation. Where possible, TCL will provide pre-trip information regarding these matters and always seek to provide local guides in resort to offer first-hand advice in observing traditional etiquettes. TCL will always promote locally run excursions allowing our guests to sample first-hand the beauty and splendour of a destination. Local guides offer an unrivalled level of knowledge and expertise on not only the physical environment, but the social one too.
      • We believe that tourism should be a positive experience for the local community just as it is for the visitor. Many destinations depend on tourism and the economic benefits it brings, so it is crucial that we do all we can to support local businesses and local people. This means encouraging travellers to buy locally produced goods and products as well as making the most of local services such as guides and restaurants. After all, who better to show you the sights and sounds than a person who has grown up amongst them? It is easy for us to underestimate the importance of these roles, but all these incomes benefit local people and their communities allowing them to develop their economies improving the lives of the wider populations. Wherever possible, TCL will provide its guests with pre trip information and suggestions of local services that directly benefit the local communities. As a company we promote sustainable travel wherever possible.
      • Every cruise ship must comply with and complete its many inspections each year(local, national and international) including checks of equipment, health & safety, waste management practises, emission reduction and water treatment. The cruise industry also participates with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to develop global regulations to protect the environment.


  • TCL respects the labour rights of workers in its own operations and asks its suppliers to accept responsibility for meeting these standards by taking active steps to enable workers to realise their labour rights according to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights which recommend that companies carry out human rights due diligence, provide grievance mechanisms and pay particular attention to the different impacts of business activity on different genders. TCL aims to tackle all forms of discrimination.


  • At TCL, for every booking we receive, a tree is planted in Malawi, by our sister charity Gardens of Eden. We at TCL also make contributions from time to time to other charities, particularly relating to the preservation of wildlife.
  • We are always open to suggestions on how we can improve our procedures and welcome feedback should you wish to contact us regarding our policies. Please submit any comments in writing to: The Cruise Line, Cruise Line House, 109-111 High Street, Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex BN6 9PU

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